There are number reasons why companies usually fail at growth. Do you want to know what they are? And how do you grow your client list superfast?

Brian Balfour, who is one of the top growth hackers in the world, made a handy list so business owners like you can stop the failure before it happens.

Grow Your Client List

Here they are in all their glory:
Companies….(insert the reason in any particular order)
* Don’t focus on retention first
* Subscribe to ‘product is everything” mantra
* Search for a silver bullet
* They forget to focus
* Don’t invest enough in data and analytics
* Don’t run experiments
* Forget to spend time to dig and learn
* Don’t dedicate the right resources to growth
* Don’t change and adapt
* Fail to double down

So, the same rules apply when you play the good ol game of Copy Roulette. That’s when you buy email templates, or swipe files that are practically ‘guaranteed’ to get you success. And all you get is a bad feeling in your stomach and tired fingers from trying to fill them in and they don’t work.

What is Copy Roulette?

It’s trying to find your silver bullet in a headline template. Then you don’t have a good old dig into what part of your copy isn’t working. And you aren’t doubling down on a swipe that will work for you and your service or product. Then you fail to check out the data and analytics part (I don’t get that bit…next) And finally it’s not giving your copy calm consideration so you can focus on what messaging isn’t working

So it’s a bit like being given Lewis Hamilton’s racing car and then expecting to win the Monaco Grand Prix. But just because you can sit behind the wheel and know the basics of driving, doesn’t mean you have the skills necessary.

You Aren’t Alone In Your Battle To Grow Your Client List

Most business owners start in the same place when they begin. They all feel their MMR conversion rate isn’t cutting it.
This doesn’t need a plaster, or a band-aid, depending on where you are from. It’s an issue which is more like an infection where you need to find the root cause.

Something is broken in your messaging and/ or the fit for your product or service. And it needs a fixin’.

There is one proven way to make sure this doesn’t happen. Your marketing copy needs to be written with the following as its backbone.

You need to know your customers better than they know themselves.
And even better than your competitors do. Then you need to speak in their language to them so they take action.

You need to form an alliance with your potential clients so you can work towards the purchase. So are holding their hand and coaching them.

There are 6 ways you can do this. I can’t take the credit for coming up with them (that’s thanks to copywriter Sam Woods)

*Get close to your reader
*Tap into the right cognitive biases
*Become the obvious “yes”
*Convince powerfully
*Trigger emotions that drive behavior

If you’re thinking, “Oh Lord, how do I do that?” Then fear not, read on!

Get Close To Your Reader

Imagine if you believed, in the same way a therapist does, the most important thing you can do for your client, is to build a strong relationship. One you nurture and strengthen. So every time you had any interaction, it got better and better. In fact you make them your number one priority. EVERY DAY.
What would happen? Well, you would soon have clients coming out of your ears that’s what.

This is a strategy therapists use with their patients, or clients, every day.
It’s a pretty easy breakdown:
*First Inquiry/ Attraction
*Their first appointment/ Acquisition
*The start of therapy/ Activation
*Resistance/ Objections

If you don’t start putting your relationship with your potential clients and customers in the numero uno slot then you won’t be converting them into paying peeps anytime soon. And that results in goodnight Vienna to your burgeoning business.

Use the Right Cognitive Biases to Drive Conversions

A cognitive bias is an error in your judgment or your decision making. All humans do it. It often happens because we have what is known as bounded rationality. Everyone has a brain that can make a predictable mistake and they use a shortcut to come to a decision on something. So here are the things you should never miss:

Your potential customers are people with desires, emotions and beliefs. And when they are in a certain situation, their brain will give them information based on what is recent, relevant, and what they have most frequently seen. So, you can check out this research and article, published in the Encyclopedia of Human Behavior to get more information on this.

So you need to be thinking about when and where to use a bias for maximum impact on making your potential client convert. You need to be thinking about how to move them forward.
What copy do you need to move them forward so they buy? Think about the right words to use.

Examples Of Cognitive Bias

Here are some cognitive biases you can use to make your potential client become a real one:

*People place more value on something they have created.
If people have to work towards using what you offer, they will want it more. Then they will stick around for it. Here you can use things like collaborative discoveries and closes. It makes them more likely to purchase. Look at small steps you can encourage them to make.

*People don’t take action if there is information missing.
This is pretty simple. Spell it out. And do that at conversion points. For example don’t be vague. Using a word like ‘easy’ doesn’t actually tell me anything. So what? Tell people what they’re gonna get.

*Recurring thoughts affect our perception.
You know when you keep getting email, after email, after email? It’s ‘oh no not them again.’ However, that message, that person who is emailing you, is getting stuck in your brain. Keep your messaging consistent. Use repetition.
What word could you make your own to describe your service? Use that word as often as you can on your home page and elsewhere.

Use Your Anchors

No this isn’t about boats. We have a tendency to ‘anchor’ onto a piece of information when we make decisions

An example is the first price someone sees will affect not only their purchase decision but how much cash they will part with. If you anchor your value to something tangible, then you can give it away for less and position your service exactly where you want to. Try a lead price that is higher first, then anchor the value in your copy to the higher price point.

Don’t Challenge The Status Quo

Whoever said familiarity breeds contempt was wrong when it comes to your business. If you go against what everyone else is offering and doing, people get uncomfortable. I’m sure you know the phrase if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. So, use your customer’s current beliefs.

Make Sure You Are Their Yes

Subliminal messaging can be very, well persuasive. And you don’t even know it. People are fearful of it for that reason. But it does work. And it can help you to grow your client list. However, it needs to be understood. And it needs to be believed. So you need to be causing an effect on your potential clients’
beliefs, desires, and actions. Because your copywriting needs to become actual communication. If it doesn’t, it ain’t persuading anyone.

Here is a great framework of questions you can ask yourself (thanks to Sam Wood) Then you can start stacking your messaging in the following way:

• First, lead with Affirming Beliefs and Confirming Suspicions.
• Next, Justify Failures and Encourage Dreams
• Finish with Calming Fears and tie-in your CTA with Relieving Pains

Make Your Messaging Powerful To Grow Your Client List

Is this easier said than done? Not necessarily. If you follow these guidelines by Robert Gifford who is a professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria, you’ll be golden.

Here’s what he says makes people receptive to your messages:
*Urgency – This is critical for inciting action.
*Certainty – Communicate maximum certainty (with integrity) in your solution and its capabilities.
*Customization – Tailor messages for different groups, representing various interests and stakes. (Or levels of awareness and intent)
*Positivity – The message frame should be positive. Calling for sacrifices rarely, if ever, works.
*Control – Make it clear that people’s action and efforts are the deciding factor.

So there you have it. Your list of some tried and tested ways to get that copy doing the heavy lifting for you and grow your client list. And if you liked that blog post, don’t forget to check out my post on how to create copywriting which gets great ROI.

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