Self-esteem is the first step to self-marketing! As a therapist, you see yourself as a unique individual who has the potential and skills to offer helpful services to people. But you should also see the need to let people know about you. And you need to market your business online as a therapist in a specific way.

Being a therapist, you have the skills to unbiasedly listen, comfort, and help your clients to develop better emotional and cognitive skills. And these are some duties many clients can’t get from their closest family members. Having the empathy to offer such services professionally is really worth the time, energy, and resources you will invest to make yourself known.

Here are some things you can keep in mind when thinking of ways to keep yourself afloat in your profession as a therapist. And we cover online and offline techniques you can implement.

Strategies You Can Use to Grow Your Business

There are a thousand and one individuals out there offering what you intend to get known for, so, to achieve your aim, you have to be professionally different.

You need to focus on doing a good job as a therapist. But in an outstanding way that will get peoples’ attention and clients flocking around you.

When it comes to letting people know you and the services you render as a therapist, there are tons of marketing strategies both online and personal you can employ to achieve your goal.

So, sit back, learn and employ these marketing strategies, and you’ll turn out a hot cake as a therapist.

market your business online as a therapist

Step By Step Strategies To Market Your Business Online As A Therapist

Build Online Network – Internet Marketing

Since your aim is how to get known, building a strong online network will help. Online platforms such as LinkedIn which is majorly for professionals to showcase themselves and link to other professionals can be a good place to start. This can really help with how to market your business online as a therapist.

Thinking about Facebook? You got a good idea there! Facebook is undisputedly another social media platform you should consider creating a business page on. With millions of users globally, there are chances, not just chances, but high chances that you can make the list of options for a local therapist in a user’s search or query. But don’t forget to add a local hashtag on your business page – this helps to streamline users’ search and you get found easily.

Build A Personal Network

1. With Other Therapists

Building a personal network with other therapists can go a long way than you would think. Now you may be asking ‘why should I build a network with professionals who are my potential competitors? Yes, they may be your competitors but professionally, you can work hand-in-hand with them. Here is how a personal network with other therapist work. When another therapist meets a client whom they don’t have the experience to handle their problem or where they can’t take a client’s insurance, it is easier to refer such clients to another therapist whom they know and can trust – that other therapist might just be you. In turn, you can as well do the same for other therapists within your network.

With Your Local Doctors

Furthermore, networking with local doctors can project you higher. How? It is a fact that many patients whom their personal or primary physician refer to a therapist will always follow such referral to the later. So, in reality, building a personal network with local doctors around you can be an easy way of marketing yourself since such doctors will most likely refer their clients who need mental attention to you. Such doctors will help with a strong word of assurance about your competence.

Blogging is Key

Before you hang yourself about not having people to know you as a therapist, you can achieve more and gain a high profile from blogging.

Writing a guest post for popular websites can be a way of raising your banner high.

Talking about prominent sites that drive high traffic due to the number of visitors that storm such sites on a regular basis for relevant information.

Again, published contents from such sites are usually shared to hundreds of social media followers whom most of such followers are therapist seekers.

Sure you will have more calls and message than you can respond to when about 15% of 1900 social media followers to a website needs your services as a therapist.

Get Local Media Attention

Your ability to gain awareness from people is partly dependent on the uniqueness of your services in your chosen profession as a therapist.

This is true because, the more unique your services are, the more likely it is to get your local media to come around to cover your event.

In a case where you are organizing an event and contacting your local radio, newspaper or TV station is top on your list, ensure that your press release brings to the forefront what is the focal point of your event and how your event will benefits their readers/audience when they cover your event.

Also, maintaining a good rapport with your local bloggers, journalist, and other influencers is another way of getting yourself pop up in their mind when there is a need for a professional view about issues that relate to mental health.

Such rapport can be created and maintained through reposting and retweeting their content on social media platforms. Being one of their followers on social media, you can always drop relevant comments on their blog posts and send emails to them, while assuring them of your professional help when the need arises.

market your business as a therapist

Business Cards Still Work Wonders

A simple business card though seen as old school, can go a long way than you think. Placing your business cards on local eateries or on bulletin boards can speak to many people than you can do at a time. Also, you can give out your business cards to the people you meet.

When you do this, it is wise to give away two business cards to a person. This means they’ll have one for themselves and the other to another person whom they know. This is another easy way of gaining referrals to yourself and your services without having to pay a referral bonus.

Go Live!

Having your website is the best way to market yourself and to say ‘I don’t want my services to be limited’. Yes, having a website is a good way of marketing yourself outside the box. With a website that is up and running with a regular blog post, the big boys – the search engines, can’t help but have your website as their favorite pick when therapist seekers come knocking at their door.

Bottom Line

When you marketing your business online as a therapist, or offline, it’s never an easy task to accomplish.

However, whatever the demands maybe, once you are ready to pay all that is required to gain the awareness that you seek, the benefits afterward is worth more than all that you sacrificed.

If you enjoyed reading this blogpost and have now got the bit between your teeth on a bit of social media exposure for your business, check out my post on the most comment social media marketing mistakes businesses make! And don’t forget to check out my weekly FB Lives on my FB Page – Media Content Guru!