If you want to speak to your audience, you need to get your copywriting techniques right. The good news is there are some tried and tested rules you can follow to do this. And to make things even more straightforward for you, here is a breakdown of exactly what you can do to make some improvements to your online content. And once you know them, those potential clients will be all over you! 

Figure Out Who Your Audience Is

If you want compelling copy that will get you a sale, then you need to find their need. This is one of the basic copywriting techniques.Then you have to meet that need. If you explain why your product or service can solve their problem you’ve sold. However, first, you need to know who it is your aiming your product at. So come up with some avatars or user personas. That means diving into who is your ideal client. Who is using your product, and why. What do they have in common? You can look at the following to identify this: 

*Socioeconomic status

*Job title and industry

*Marital status



When you have come up with a list of traits, then you can start working on the personas you should be targetting. So, for example, if you run a yoga studio, you could have Sally, who is a young professional who is into spirituality and goes to yoga before work. Or you could have Lydia, who has two children and comes to classes with other moms. And you could have David, who does yoga because he is a runner and likes to stay flexible and knows stretching is essential for his technique. Although fictional, these personas represent your customers. They help you give a human element to the people you are selling to.

If you know your audience, you can target them a lot more smoothly. And this means you can write better copy.

Keep A Conversational Tone – Use ‘You’ And ‘Your’ In Your Copywriting Techniques

If you want to establish trust and a connection, use ‘you’ and ‘your.’  It’s one of the things, so many business owners get wrong in their online content. It’s not about you. It’s about them. ALWAYS. Using ‘you’ speaks directly to the reader.  The power of the second-person point of view is you are addressing your reader directly.

For example, look at this website Rover, a pet care marketplace for dog and cat owners.  They don’t just go on about the fact they do dog boarding; they put it right back to the owner: “Perfect if you need overnight pet care and Whenever your dog needs a walk.’ ‘It’s all about ‘your’ and ‘your animal’s’ needs. 

Use Quantifiable Facts

Everyone loves a fact. And everyone wants proof that what they are buying or purchasing works. They also need it put into context so they can understand precisely what it can do for them. So if you can say that content marketing costs up to 41% less than paid search, people can see the value. And if you can then say that in 3 years you will have got over 300% more leads than paid search, then people understand what their bang for their buck is. Use facts and figures because they generate authenticity and trust. The more specific the facts and figures, the stronger the case for your product. But don’t go overboard as they can make your copy appear dull.

Emphasize Action

Here’s another great copywriting technique. Any conversion is action. So if you ask people to take action, then the likelihood is they will. Don’t wait for them to call you or click on a link. Tell them to do it. Using verbs and phrases in your copy encourages people to do something.  For example, “click on the link now” or “download this now” or “learn more.” And if your reader can imagine doing something, and achieving a result, bingo!  Paint them a picture of what you or your product can do and how it can make an impact. Directly on them. Here are some great verbs you can include:







A great example of this is SpaceX’s About page. In its 31-word description, it has the following: “designs, manufactures, launches, revolutionize, enabling, and live—that’s nearly 20% of the text. They are also the kind of words that make you think, “wow!”  That’s a lot more dynamic (there’s another one) than saying: “SpaceX makes rockets to move people to space.” There’s a reason the company has raised over $2.25 billion in venture capital. 

Keep It Simple And Concise

When someone comes to your website, you have seconds to convince them. If your text is too long and waffles, then they will be waving goodbye and onto the next. Most web users only look at 20% of what is on a page. The more you write, the less people are likely to read it. The rule of thumb is to keep it to around 350 – 400 words for pages, and on the home page, give just enough to provide a good hint of what people can find if they start diving around your site. Entice them in. If you want to write for a mainstream audience, use simple, straightforward language. Make sure you tell your readers your point in a way they can understand.

Keep SEO In Mind When You Write

Search engine algorithms shift and change their priorities all the time. Google is looking for high-quality content readers can enjoy and find beneficial. So look out for the following and make sure you include it: 

Determine What Your Customers Are Searching For

Write copy that addresses search terms.  Google wants you to solve someone’s problem. You can’t get away with saying you will do one thing in the headline, and then fill the post with advertorial which has nothing to do with the topic.

Naturally Integrate Keywords Into Your Content

Don’t keep including your keyword unnecessarily. It’s known as keyword stuffing. For example to write: “copywriting is an excellent way of making sure copywriting can be the best copywriting it can be” makes no sense. And it isn’t going to help you as a reader learn anything.

Draw Users In With Metadata 

Users can see this information when they are browsing through search engine page results. And they won’t even realize it’s a copywriting technique. It’s like a mini advert for your website so use it to get them to come on over. It can make the difference between someone clicking on your site and someone else’s.

Use Links To Other Pages On Your Site

This will encourage people to click around on your site and see what else you have to offer. Awesome! 

Let Them Share On The Social 

These make your content more shareable, and then you can quickly translate this into more visits and page views. Keep an eye on the competition. It’s better to know what your competitors are doing; then you can look at your material and make it even better! 

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