Building a brand voice for your business is one of the most important things that you can do. And one way you can really illustrate how strong your authenticity and brand voice is is in your blog posts.

Blog posts are a great way of not only building your SEO, your ranking, and your authenticity, but also they can help establish credibility.

brand voice in blogs

Great examples of branding and how it could integrate with customer relationships are Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, and Disney. Suppose you think about how the customers of these brands keep coming back time and time again. In that case, it’s a great illustration of how brand voice is often key to a company’s success.

Seth Godin, who is an incredible marketer and public speaker, knows everything there is to know about brand building.
His book All Marketers Are Liars is well worth a read.

This quote sums up exactly why brand voice is so important –

“A brand is the set of expectations memories stores and relationships that, taken together, account for consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over the other.”

Your brand attributes should be carried across all of the marketing you do. This includes your website, your emails, your newsletter, and your social media. Every single touchpoint that a customer can have with you has to illustrate your unique brand voice.

How Do You Use Brand Voice In Blogs?

But how do you use brand voice when it comes to blogs?
Think about your brand voice as the way your customer can personify and identify with your brand. Through your brand voice, they can develop a personal relationship with you, your company and understand how they can place it into their life and world.

Your brand voice is really your way of showing the traits and attributes of your personality. Think about your brand as if it were a person.
Are you innovative or funny? Do you use a tongue-in-cheek tone or serious? Are you fashionable or functional? Before you even start typing a single word, you need to think about the voice of your brand. What words are you using? How is the sentence structure? Are you illustrating the brand’s relationship with your customer? How do you want them to respond to you, and what memories you want to take away when they read the content you’ve put in your blog?

Suppose you have more than one person writing blogs for you within your company, or you’re using a freelancer. In that case, they must have a brand voice deck on hand to understand exactly what your brand voice is. That way, you are giving a unified front when it comes to your copy. And this is something that your social media manager can use, the person who reads your newsletters and emails can use, and any advertising that you are putting together for your brand. It is your Bible – that critical document that everybody must understand and know.

The Importance of Authenticity

Authenticity is vital when it comes to your brand voice and your blogs. Why? You need to be helpful, and you need to have the know, like, and trust factor. Being authentic is also the perfect way for your customers to understand who you are and develop a relationship. Be truthful and talk about what you know. Be sincere, and that will shine through in your writing. If you use a brand voice deck, it will give you a solid foundation to fulfill all of these aspects.

There are actually ‘Brand Voice Masters’ that you can use to guide your own brand voice.

3 Brand Voice Masters You Can Use As A Guide

Pleasant Upbeat And Playful

People like fun, so if being fun makes sense for your business, then do it! Being fun is all about energy, having a pep in your step. It’s like you’re about to enjoy a great night out.
A great example of this is Target. They offer a good time shopping in their fresh and provide everything you might need, from a toy for your child to the latest coffee machine to a lovely bottle of wine.

Fresh And Clean

Many of the brands that use this kind of brown place are in the, you guessed it, Barth industry. Bath and body works is a great example. Everything is pleasant and comfortably crisp. Their whites are bright, and their colors are brighter. Copy short and sweet.

Aggressive And In-Your-Face

You may think that brand wouldn’t want to be aggressive and in-your-face. But there’s plenty that fit the bill when it comes to this brand voice. Think about Harley-Davidson; that’s not soft around the edges! It’s rough, and the colors are a firm tone with swagger. They’re saying, ‘can you handle a Harley?’ They don’t need to beg you to buy one of their bikes. You need to work out if you can actually ride it.

Each of these examples of brand voice gives you an insight that it’s possible to have a personality in your business. But which one are you? If you would like to have a free consultation to get some guidance on which brand voice you are, click on this link now. And if you liked this post, check out my post on 21 things you need to know about writing good web copy.