There’s something very specific about copywriting for aspirational brands. If you’re an aspirational brand, you need to convey much more than just what your product or service provides. You’re conveying the passion of the story of your brand, as well as the way your business fits into the world. Your copywriting has to illustrate the standard you set with your product or service that is entirely unique. That is what guides your audience to want to engage and purchase from you.

An aspirational or luxury brand has to impact and inspire its audience – and it does this through providing a very deliberate aesthetic and a specific set of values or philosophy. When you have an aspirational or luxury lifestyle brand, you are trying to connect with your consumer emotionally.

This is going to enable them to make that connection with you that motivates them to buy. And the best way to do this is through your copywriting.
You are creating an emotional connection. You build that on values and illustrate the benefits of what it is you’re offering. Then you can inspire loyalty in your consumers toward your brand, your products, and your services. So this means you need to make sure that your values are really caring in your copywriting.

aspirational copywriter

Why Aspirational Brand Copywriting Has Changed

Audiences have become jaded with endorsements by celebrities when it comes to advertising today. They don’t want to be told they can be like somebody in the public eye, just by buying a bag, a dress, or the latest pair of trainers that said celebrity happens to be wearing.

Youngsters are wised up to this kind of advertising. Think about it, now, if you’re an adult, all those people whose images you stuck on your wall as a teenager, have you become them? Did wearing what they did make you just like them? No. It didn’t. However, the fact that you purchased the things they were advertising means you were moved to by inspirational copywriting. Not aspirational copywriting.

You bought into the idea that the lifestyle that the celebrity suggested would be created for you if you were to purchase the latest pair of Converse trainers or Air Jordans were wearing.

How Do You Determine if You Are an Aspirational Brand?

Consider the following questions when it comes to the product or service you are providing:

*What is the greater purpose of your product or service?

*Who is your dream customer, and what are you bringing to enhance their lives is your product or service?

*How would a community made up of your perfect customers stick together?

*What do you see as the core values you’re offering with your product or service of your brand, but how are they connected to your consumers?

Why You Need To Tell Your Brand Story Through Your Aspirational Copywriting

What do you see as the story behind your brand?

Can you see what is motivating the creation of your product or service?

What is the story that your brand is selling?

Maybe you are telling people to live an authentic life, and you want to offer them ethically made products. This enables them to feel good not only about themselves but how they impact the world with that purchase.

Or you might be wanting to inspire spontaneity and a connection to nature with your product or service.

You need to make sure your messaging does two things:

*It encourages your customers to see themselves living in the world that your brand is creating for them

*Your customers can see how your product or service enables your consumers to get to that desired outcome

The Shifting Role of Celebrity

Do you remember the massive queues when the latest Air Jordans that had been endorsed by basketball legend Michael Jordan were released? If you were a sports fan at the time, you raced to the shops and queued around the block to get your hands on a pair.

Remember that rush when you pulled those fresh new trainers out of the box? You felt special, and you felt part of something. You had bought into the club. That was an emotional connection to your purchase. Still, it was also driven by that need for connection that is the basis of every human being’s desire to buy.

Now think about how you saw Michael Jordan fly into the air in the advert when he wore his trainers. You didn’t take off when you wore yours, did you, right?

Today, consumers know that celebrities who endorse a skin cream that suggests it can make you look 20 years younger will probably have had some more assistance than just that product,

We’ve seen Kim Kardashian have Botox, and we all know that many of these images used are airbrushed. Social media means you get to see these celebrities in the raw.

This is where aspirational copywriting can really work for you and your brand. It’s really about your client’s sense of self and how that constantly involves.

While that sense of self is constantly changing, how we perceive things we desire rarely does.

The reason?

Aspirations are deeply connected to identity. And whatever you appreciate will always be at the forefront of your decision-making process.

How Aspirational Copywriting Works With Millennial Buyers

Millennials are defining and changing the face of marketing and the copywriting that they engage with. While they get much stick for being a hipster or dairy-free, they purchase and purchase along with their values when they purchase.
It’s not just about what something looks like or who is promoting it.

When you are an aspirational brand, you need to tone and infuse your copywriting with the aspiration and values of your audience and incorporate the benefits.

The lifestyle you suggest someone can achieve by purchasing a product or service is no longer unattainable. In actual fact, it’s entirely within reach.
And it’s also desirable. And that’s where it works. Aspiration is all about a reality that’s possible. It’s about creating a lifestyle for your consumer that’s aligned with who they really are.

How to Create That Sense of Self

To give your brand a sense of self with aspirational copywriting, you need to make sure those aspirations and values you embody align with your brand and make sense to your target audience.

An example of this is a campaign run by ASOS in 2018. The tagline was “my style is never done.” While not grammatically correct, it managed to speak to that most aspirational of lifestyles; that we are constantly evolving in ourselves and creating what we want to be.

That ultimately spoke to their mainly under 40 audience. It was all about limitless self-expression. And they ascertained this by doing in-depth case studies and voice of customer data to see what they wanted and inspired them.

The Importance of Brand Reputation

You need to ask yourself what is your brand reputation. Look at how the world you’re creating not only makes your consumer belong but matches up with what they want to buy.

Here’s the critical part. It must be true. For example, if you are a fashion brand and use leather, it will be tough for you to push the fact you are ethically minded.

Many consumers don’t believe that wearing leather is an ethical way of life. However, suppose you were suggesting you were an ethical brand AND discussed how you try to source your leather in the most honest way possible. In that case, you can show in detail how you do that.
And this enables your consumer to see you are offering them a lifestyle choice. You allow them to aspire by using your brand.

How To Hit Copywriting Gold

Consider this:

What do your customers stand for?

Can you see what your customers want next? This is no easy task, but if you can that out, it will set you apart from everyone else in your field.
There needs to be a complete unification between your product, marketing, and the world you’re creating.
Your consumer needs to feel comfortable and supported in the world they’re connecting with through your brand.
This is what creates loyalty, and this is what resonates with your audience and moves them to buy. And this is what you need to reflect in your copywriting.


If you use aspirational copywriting, you will not only give yourself a marketing campaign that will succeed, but it will be irreplaceable. You will create an emotional connection with your brand for your consumer, which will be difficult for anyone else to duplicate.

Want to talk more about how to get aspirational copywriting for your brand? Click here, and you can get a free brand message audit valued at $500USD.

For more tips on copywriting, you can check out this blog post on using case studies to increase your KPI’s.