Tiffany & Co. Gucci. Prada. Rolls Royce.

What you think of when you think about these names?

You think exclusive, luxurious, expensive. And If you’re a Megan Thee stallion fan, you no doubt think boujie as well.

And there’s a reason. Luxury brands use a specific style of luxury brand copywriting.

These are all luxury brands that are household names. And they each have certain qualities and attributes that you immediately associate with them you think about them.

For example, what do you think about when you imagine Louis Vuitton?

You think about their famous logo, right? The interlaced L and V that signifies and appears on anything and everything to do with the brand. The checkered leather that is used on so many of their bags.

When it comes to a luxury brand like Louis Vuitton, you and many others worldwide will gladly spend thousands of dollars on purchasing one of their items, whether it be a bag, dress, car, or homeware. 

And you do this without a second thought. What’s the reason for that? It’s because they have impeccable copywriting. Luxury brands are often the most underrated marketers on the planet. There’s a reason why they can dominate this unique space, which means they earn millions and millions of dollars every year. 

Think about the conglomerate of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. This luxury brand powerhouse was created after a merger between Louis Vuitton (founded in 1854) with Moët Hennessy. 

Now LVMH controls a house of 75 brands, including Christian Dior, Marc Jacobs, Celine, and Fenty, to name a few. All of which are synonymous with luxury.

LVMH had an estimated value of USD 317.6 billion as of December 31, 2020.

What Is Luxury Brand Copywriting?

What is it that you can use to make your brand considered a luxury powerhouse? Are there words and luxury brand copywriting techniques that can ensure your marketing will set you apart and put you in this unique club? 

Here are just some of the ways you can utilize the power of luxury copywriting to boost your brand and make it superior, even lusted after. And get your audience to think nothing of dropping hundreds of dollars on even purchasing something as small as a keyring.

Luxury Brand Copywriting Focuses On Your Exclusivity

When you’re buying luxury goods, you’re becoming part of an exclusive club. Not everyone can afford them, and not everyone has access to something considered a luxury item. 

The products often use rare materials. They’re well-designed and impeccably created to an extremely high level of expertise. This means they’re highly desired. And this in turn can work as an incredibly effective luxury brand copywriting tactic. 

Those powerhouses in the luxury brand playground know that if they incorporate this kind of language into their messaging, it makes consumers want to buy. Their products become a status symbol.

Owning a Celine bag puts you as the consumer in an exclusive club. We all want to be part of something, don’t we? It’s the basis of human connection. And we also all want other people to know we’re in and they aren’t.

Got the latest Chloe bag? You’re in the club, baby! And it doesn’t matter how rich you are; that is still a base driver for you splashing your cash whether you like it or not.

Playing up the scarcity of what the product is made of also plays an essential part in the consumer’s attitude to the value and price.

When you’re on this playing field, you don’t have to rationalize why what your product is made from is what makes you so unique. You can just let it speak for itself unless it’s something really unusual.

Are There Differences Between Luxury Brand Copywriting and Mass Market Copywriting?

Now it has to be said that the luxury industry isn’t that different from how the mass market operates when it comes to digital marketing. 

However, the big difference is in how they both approach their marketing strategies and how they work with the psyche of consumers. 

Now here’s the parallel – the same three questions are often asked of each market.

How do we position ourselves as a leading luxury brand?

What do we need to do to attract and resonate with those high-end consumers?

How do we deliver a cohesive brand voice that expresses how truly excellent and set apart our product or service is?

This is where your copywriting really matters. It’s where your luxury brand copywriting needs to set you apart from what is considered a mass market brand. Irrespective of what you have done behind the scenes to get to your target audience, your copywriting is the only thing that will really demonstrate to them the true nature and luxury of your brand and get them to connect. 

The luxury industry, more than any other, is where you need to stand out. And you need to create your copywriting specifically, so it doesn’t get lost in the noise of search engines. 

You need to express your brand value, and you need to demonstrate to your audience why that high price tag is worth their investment. Additionally, you need to show them that being part of your exclusive community is what they want and need to take their life experience to the next level.

Focus On What Makes You Special

What is it that draws your consumer to your luxury brand? What are they buying into when they buy luxury from you that they would not get if they were buying a similar yet cheaper brand? 

One way of doing this is to stress your heritage and the inspirational qualities you can offer somebody with your product or service. 

Many luxury brands, for example, Gucci, often lean heavily on their name’s while they market their products. But here’s what they can actually lean into to demonstrate what makes them so unique and set apart.

Research by Deloitte has demonstrated that luxury consumers in older markets are less brand loyal. This means that you need to talk up your quality and uniqueness. 

These are the most important factors you can use to drawing your audience for your luxury product.

An affluent consumer is very informed, and this makes them more discriminatory and demanding. In a luxury space, the consumer is looking for real values, and they’ll research what they’re purchasing. 

If they’re going. to pay big bucks, they want to know they’re getting their value. And as a luxury brand, when you’re charging big bucks, you need to demonstrate precisely where that value lies. You need to illustrate in your luxury brand copywriting the change in lifestyle you are offering your consumer.

How To Get The Perfect Recipe Of Highlighting Quality, Benefit And Excellence

You need to give your audience the facts that they want to justify your price point. What is it that makes you so superior?

A way of doing this in your copywriting is by combining the perfect recipe of highlighting quality and design excellence. You can demonstrate the precision of the design, or the most refined ingredients of the materials you’ve used, or the uniqueness of your design.

Why is it so wonderful, and what sets your product apart? Why are your capabilities better, and what is the superior craftsmanship that your product or service can offer? The important part? Tie this to the benefits. This is going to separate you from the rest.

Also, keep in mind if you are a luxury brand, you are seen as individual and unique – you need to demonstrate that to your consumer. Do this instead of showing how much better you are than those around you. 

As a luxury brand, you don’t need to show that you’re the biggest player in the room. Instead, you need to highlight your Unique Selling Point (USP) and use irresistible language that keeps that desire burning in your consumer’s mind.

The Importance of Price and the Reflection on Perceived Value

You’ll often find that a luxury brand item doesn’t have the price on it. Why? Because if you’ve got the money to purchase a luxury brand item, you don’t need to know how much it costs. 

Keeping product information to a minimum and talking about the benefit and experience in luxury brand copywriting keeps your customer in a gated community mentality and this is exclusivity at its finest.

Now, if you picked up a Gucci belt for around 20 bucks, you wouldn’t be expecting that it was a genuine Gucci belt, would you? Also, if a Gucci belt was selling for 20 bucks, it just wouldn’t have the same effect on you as if it was sold for $300USD. This is why price doesn’t matter. 

It’s directly related to quality and value. 

You’ll often find that on many luxury car adverts, for example, the GT V8 produced by Bentley, they don’t even mention how much their car is worth; instead, you have to request information.      

This is why luxury brands do one of two things. 

If they don’t hide the price, they clearly display their high price tags. This gives them confidence; it screams, ‘yes, our bag is worth $3000USD, so what?’ You’ve all seen those rappers who love to show off the price tags of their designer gear, haven’t you? There’s a reason they do that. They’re showing the world, ‘I bought this really expensive jacket, and I want you to know about it.’

Using Images With Your Luxury Brand Copywriting  

Putting great images with great copywriting is the perfect marriage. Often one will not have the same impact without the other. 

Luxury brands love to do this. This is a visually driven business, to begin with, so this just increases their ability to dominate what is known as the luxury space. And if you’re going to spend thousands of dollars on a product, you want to know exactly what you’re getting.

You’ll often find that high-quality cars, for example, Rolls-Royce, will use intimate photos of their newest models, giving glimpses to the exclusive and high-end design. And these photos will also demonstrate the perks you get when you purchase a car in this high-end price bracket. 

Luxury brand copywriters take advantage of this technique. By describing product photos in great detail, it’s also a glimpse into the life the buyer will lead, and the experience they will have if they purchase.

And it tells them this is the lifestyle they knew they were always destined for. When writing about luxury brands, you use the most alluring aspects of the product and how they will enhance consumers’ lives. 

Sell The Lifestyle, Not The Premium Price Tag

When you’re buying into a luxury brand, you’re expecting to buy into an experience. While consumers justify their purchases with logic, they’re actually buying on emotion.

According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, in his book, ‘How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market,’ he reveals emotion is what really drives the purchasing behaviors, and also, decision making in general.

You need to offer an experiential level in your copywriting that has an emotional value. Therefore you need to understand the real motivation behind your consumer’s purchase.

You need to dig into what is going on in their psyche to understand the emotional appeal of your product to them.

What are their pain points, and what are the benefits you can offer them to their life?

One way of doing this is by using case studies and voice of customer data, so you can really dial into the language that your consumer will understand. 

Think about the emotional feel of the words. Changing wording with a slight tweak can have a considerable impact. 

For example, using words like ‘timeless’ and ‘pristine’ give consumers a sense of opulence. Use calls to action that prompt with words like ‘explore’ or ‘be inspired’ instead of ‘buy now.’ 

This makes the brand feel like your consumer is stepping into a world created by your brand. It’s not just about purchasing something expensive.

Make Sure Your Language Resonates With Your Audience

“The modern luxury consumer is adaptable fast-moving smart approachable, and have a younger mindset.” 

Shari Jones, the CMO of XO Jet

Often luxury brand copywriting falls back on using flowery language, thinking that this will resonate with the audience. However, the world of luxury consumers often demands an even higher level of research to perfect messaging. They are inundated with just as many advertising messages as those in a mass market daily. 

Therefore you need to demonstrate your luxury brand has a unique USP, an understanding of your consumers’ needs, and the lifestyle they desire and lead.

Hone in on the right tone of voice to appeal to your consumer. This is where case study research and Voice Of Customer Data are essential to making your brand voice special.

So, make no mistake. You have to work even harder with your copywriting because you have presented an aspiring lifestyle and something that comes with a high price tag.

Use research to create your personality-driven conversion copywriting. This can help capture the attention, and spending power, of your consumer. You will find your precise market and communicate with them exactly what sets you apart in the luxury brand space. 

If you liked this article, check out my blog post on: How To Create A Strong Brand Voice.

And if you want to get a more personal take on your copywriting, click on this link here and you can book a discovery call.